Thursday, September 20, 2012

I have been reading a lot of political shit on facebook lately.  Most of the time I just don't care, but it has gotten me to think about my own political views. I don't really relate to either party entirely. I think this country needs to dump the 2 (or more) party thing.  It has gotten in the way of progress imo.

I may or may not be like most people.  I agree with some stuff from one side, yet disagree with other issues.

I am pro-choice, yet I choose life.  It's not my business if someone else is about to get, or has gotten, an abortion.  In this day and age information abounds.  I remember going into planned parenthood when I was 26 to get a pregnancy test.  I was broke and they were free.  There was a crowd of people across the street screaming obscenities at me.  I wasn't even considering an abortion.  The only reason I was there was to get an "official" test done so I could apply for medicaid.

Which brings me to my next thing~Welfare.  Yes, I've been on ADC twice in my life.  I hear people all the time say "If you can't afford kids, don't have them."  Well, while I have never been wealthy, I was in a much better position when I started having a family.  Then life happened.  Things happen that you certainly don't, or can't plan for.  I think welfare is a necessity. What I don't think it should be is a career.  It should be there to get you back on your feet and that's it.  For some people it may take longer than others, but there should be a self sufficiency plan somewhere in there.

Guns.  I'm a pacifist.  I don't think I could shoot another human being, but then again I have never been shot at either.  I am also a believer that if someone wants to have firearms, they should be able to.  Whether it be for protection, or hunting, that is their choice.  I have a son in the Marines, and another that is going once he graduates.  My rule is Not In My House.  When you grow up and move out you can arm yourself to the teeth if you choose.  I don't want them around~even for the zombie apocalypse :O Maybe I'll become accustomed to eating brains.

If you have money, hooray for you.  I don't understand all this redistributing shit.  If you worked hard to get what you have, why in the hell do you have to give it away?  Hell, even if someone in your family worked hard for it and you're just inheriting it, so be it.  It's yours.  I never have any money.  Would my life have a better quality  if I did?  Maybe, but I highly doubt it.  I don't get into the materialistic bullshit.  When I was making decent wages, I never really bought anything for myself.  All I have ever wanted is to make enough to feed my family, put clothes on their backs and a roof over their heads.  So far so good. This entitlement mentality bullshit has got to stop.

Who cares if Gay and Lesbian people want to get married?  Really?  How is that going to effect your marriage exactly?  They're NOT trying to convert you, nor your children.  They find pedophilia pretty disgusting too.  Most chimo's are middle aged men.  I personally think marriage is a sham, but some people feel it validates their love.  To each other as well as others.

There is a lot more things I could go on about, but I am tired and have lost my train of thought.